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A Little About Me

 I have come to believe that we all need to take life “One step at a time” and if we are truly honest, one breath at a time.  

Although I didn’t pursue my social work degree until I was 38, I feel that my first teacher was a man who really challenged people to think out of the box and try to see/feel what the others might be feeling. To move more in life without judging others. To truly try to understand another person’s point of view. To be nonjudgmental. I believe that this lesson is true for how we treat others and ourselves. This does not mean we have to agree with someone, but that we try to understand. We should also give ourselves this leeway. We then have the mental room to decide what we want to do differently, if anything. 

Education and Experience

I obtained my BSW from Madonna University in 2010. I was lucky enough to have been able to complete my year of internship on the ACT (Assertive Community Treatment) team at North Country CMH. This gave me experience with mental health at a bachelor’s level degree. I worked with and learned from amazing clients and co-workers. After I graduated with my degree, I took a job at North Country CMH’s Crisis Residential House. In 2011, I accepted a position on the ACT team. In 2014, I transferred to the Developmental Disability program of NCCMH and joined an inspiring, hardworking, knowledgeable team and supervisor. In that position, I worked with children and their families. I finished my Master of Social Work in 2018 and joined a Boyne City based counseling business, where I had also completed my internship.

I knew that I needed to be closer to home and my boys.  I found an office space and began practicing at my Petoskey location on October 1st, 2020. I then officially opened my own business, Sisu Wellness and Counseling, LLC, on January 1st of 2021. 

I have experience in working with trauma, anxiety, depression, ADHD, autism traits, grief, parenting skills, couples, and gender dysphoria. I work with children, adolescents and adults. I utilize games, art, CBT, Parts Therapy, Mindfulness, MI, psychoeducation, and help with resources as needed. 

I meet with clients both in my office or via telehealth.